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Look Your Best In 2019 With New Veneers

Beautiful teeth give you the confidence you need to go out and share your smile with the world. But, if you suffer from stained, chipped, degraded, decayed, or uneven teeth, you may be self-conscious about your smile. With professional dental veneers, you’ll no longer be worried about the image you project. Your new veneers give you the opportunity to look your best in 2019.

Your teeth can easily become stained in the course of a few years, especially if you drink coffee, tea, or red wine. Certain medications will dull and discolor your teeth, and through the course of your life, you may have developed chips, cracks, or damage to your teeth that has rendered them unsightly.

Perhaps your teeth are uneven, and that’s taken away from your good looks. Whatever your reason for wanting new veneers, now is the time to wake up that beautiful smile and start using it.

How new veneers enhance your smile

Dental veneers are extremely thin pieces of porcelain, custom designed to fit over the front surface of your teeth. The porcelain material is strong and so closely resembles the enamel of your natural teeth, that no one can tell it’s a veneer. Your veneers can be made to match the color of your own teeth, or, in the case of badly stained or discolored teeth, veneers can make them appear a few shades whiter.

Your new veneers can improve the appearance of chipped, cracked, stained, and discolored teeth, as well as close small gaps, and even the line of uneven teeth. If your teeth are badly decayed, or the shape is poor due to trauma, damage, or breakage, dental veneers can restore the shape, and make them appear naturally beautiful.

What to expect

When you decide to have new veneers put on your teeth, you’re opening up a whole new world of confidence for yourself. What better way to dazzle in the new year and beyond than with new veneers? The application of your new veneers isn’t very invasive. It typically takes two appointments to complete them.

Your initial appointment will involve the removal of about a millimeter of your enamel from the surface of the teeth to which the veneer will adhere. After that, your dentist will make an impression of your teeth to be sent to the lab making your veneers. This is so the lab technician can create veneers that will appear seamless in your mouth.

Your dentist will affix temporary veneers in order to protect your teeth. At your next appointment, your new veneers will be ready to be bonded to your teeth. The entire process is relatively painless, and very little of your tooth’s natural structure is surrendered.

With proper care, your new veneers can last 10-15 years, or more. Treat your veneers as you should treat your teeth. Don’t bite your nails, avoid chewing on ice, be careful with hard foods, and avoid, or limit, those foods and drinks that can stain. Practice good oral hygiene, and most of all, make sure to see your dentist for twice-yearly check-ups.

Ohio’s caring dentist

Chester Family Dentistry is all about helping you look and feel your best. We offer a full menu of comprehensive dental services to our patients, current and new, in and around the Warren, Ohio area. Our dentists combine experience, professionalism, and compassion into every treatment. Together with our office staff, we truly care about your oral health and wellness.

Dr. Ana Chester, together with Dr. Amy Caicco and Dr. Joseph Dagati, encourage you to look and feel your best in 2019 and beyond. For more information on porcelain veneers, cosmetic dentistry, or any other oral health concerns, contact Chester Family Dentistry today.

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