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How to Prevent Another Root Canal

Cavity-causing bacteria don’t just build up on the outside surfaces of your teeth. They can also enter through unnoticed cracks in your enamel, infecting the inside of a tooth. That requires a root canal to remove the infection and stop the pain.

At Chester Family Dentistry in Warren, Ohio, our dentists dispel the myth that root canals are painful. Though, if you’ve needed a root canal before, you know about the discomfort and pain before the procedure.

You can’t always prevent every condition leading to another root canal, but there are ways to reduce the risk.

Root canals explained

The term “root canal” doesn’t only refer to dental treatment. It’s also the name for the part of the tooth we treat during a root canal therapy procedure. 

Inside each tooth, tissue and nerves run through the spongy root canals. When bacteria get in through cavities or cracks in your enamel, they can infect this inner pulp, leading to swelling and severe tooth pain. 

Root canal therapy

There’s no way for your body to repair the infected tooth pulp on its own. During a root canal treatment, our dentists replace the old tissue with a biocompatible filling.

Your comfort is our top priority, and each procedure starts by making sure you’re relaxed and at ease. If the infection has spread to your jaw or gum tissue, we address that before moving on to the root canal.

First, we make a small opening in the surface of the tooth to access the pulp of the root canal. Then, using a tiny, specially designed instrument, we remove the tissue and nerve to clean out the infection. 

Once the root canal is empty, we fill it with dental material to maintain the tooth’s interior stability and strength, then close the opening with a conventional filling. We may recommend a crown to strengthen the tooth if it needs structural reinforcement to prevent future failure.

How to prevent another root canal

The damage or infection that led to your first root canal was likely something you’d prefer to avoid in the future. There are steps you can take that benefit your overall oral health while reducing further problems that might lead to another root canal. 

Follow a thorough oral hygiene routine. We recommend brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush, with close attention to your gums. Floss at least once a day to clean food particles and bacteria from the spaces between teeth.

Protect your enamel to prevent erosion and cracks through which bacteria can enter. Avoid biting down on hard or sticky foods, like ice and candy. Never use your teeth as tools. Limit sugary and acidic foods and beverages, as they can weaken the outer layer of your teeth. 

Twice-yearly dental cleanings allow us to remove any plaque buildup that you may have missed during at-home brushing, as well as provide the chance to catch early signs of trouble. Visit us sooner when you experience any of the following: 

If you have any tooth pain or sensitivity, we can often treat the cause before a root canal procedure is necessary. Call Chester Family Dentistry today to make an appointment.

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