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Forget the Temps: Our Advanced CEREC® Technology Delivers Same-Day Crowns

Forget the Temps: Our Advanced CEREC® Technology Delivers Same-Day Crowns

When one of your teeth needs some extra strength, protection, or coverage, you may require a dental crown. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap placed over your tooth.

In the past, getting a dental crown was a multi-day, multi-visit process. But now, thanks to some exciting advances in crown technology, you can have a crown designed and fitted into your mouth during a single dental visit.

At Chester Family Dentistry in Warren, Ohio, Our team is proud to offer our patients state-of-the-art CEREC® same-day crowns. With a CEREC crown, we can restore your damaged or weak teeth quickly, safely, and effectively.

About dental crowns

A dental crown is an artificial tooth cap that is permanently placed over an existing tooth. Some of the reasons we may recommend a dental crown include:

Traditional crowns

Traditional crowns require several weeks and at least two dental visits. 

During your first visit, the dental team takes an impression that measures your tooth and mouth. The impression is sent to a lab, where they fabricate a crown and then send it back to your dental office.

While you’re waiting for your permanent crown, you receive a temporary crown to cover your tooth during the weeks that pass between your initial appointment and the appointment in which your permanent crown is placed.

Patients may find temporary crowns uncomfortable and the need for multiple appointments inconvenient.

CEREC same-day crowns

CEREC same-day crowns provide you with a quicker, more convenient alternative to traditional crowns.

Our CEREC same-day crown system uses a special 3D imaging camera, proprietary software, and an on-site milling machine that allows us to design and fabricate your crown in our office during one dental visit.

Not only does the CEREC same-day crown system save you time, but it provides you with a strong, comfortable, well-fitted, natural-looking crown that improves your smile and promotes a healthy tooth.

If you’d like to learn more about CEREC same-day crowns, please give our office in Warren, Ohio, a call or request an appointment using the online booking tool.

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