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Nervous About Your Next Dentist Appointment? Try These Tips to Make Yourself More Comfortable

Dental anxiety is one of the most common phobias in the U.S. And it’s actually quite a serious problem because it can keep you from going to the dentist. For best oral health, experts recommend that you see the dentist at least once every six months. This helps us to treat your cavities, strengthen any weakening enamel, and make sure that you don’t have gum disease. 

The professional team at Chester Family Dentistry, led by Dr. Ana Chester and Dr. Amy Caicco, is here to help you with all your cosmetic and general dentistry needs. That’s why we’ve compiled this helpful list of suggestions for curbing your dental anxiety so you can get back to the dentist and have the healthiest teeth possible. Here are some helpful tips for curbing your dental anxiety.

1. Practice mindfulness

Although it may help, you don’t necessarily need to go through an entire yoga routine before your visit. All you need is about five minutes to sit in a comfortable, quiet place to meditate. Then, clear your mind and breathe in slowly for four counts and breathe out slowly for four counts. Repeat for about five minutes. 

As your mind clears and your breath starts working, you’ll feel yourself relaxing and your anxiety dissipating. You can also do this breathing exercise during your visit to calm down. 

2. Communicate with us 

We get many new patients who have an aversion to the dentist, so we’re well-experienced in easing anxiety. Talk to us about your apprehensions and triggers, and we’ll help formulate a plan so that you can have the most comfortable experience possible. 

Also, feel free to ask as many questions as you’d like about your procedure. We find that the more our patients know about their procedures, the more comfortable they are with them.

3. Take the edge off

We offer nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, to help you relax. Another option is oral sedation, also called conscious sedation, which is a prescribed dose of sedative taken prior to your procedure. 

4. Use a distraction 

Many of our patients find that listening to music or a podcast while they have their dental visit does, in fact, help. This can help to relax you and keep your mind occupied. 

For more information on our dental offerings or a specific oral issue, call our office to schedule an appointment with Chester Family Dentistry, located in Warren, Ohio. 

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