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3 Awesome Benefits of Choosing Dental Implants to Replace Missing Teeth

Losing a tooth during childhood is a natural change associated with growing up, and while it might be a little upsetting, especially the first couple of times it happens, most kids recover quickly, knowing a new, “grownup” tooth will soon grow in to replace it. As an adult, the experience is, of course, completely different. Losing an adult tooth usually occurs as a result of decay or disease, or sometimes from a traumatic event, like having a tooth knocked out — situations that are upsetting all on their own. And, of course, when you lose an adult tooth, there’s no new, healthy tooth waiting to take its place. All you’re left with is an unsightly gap that can alter your appearance, interfere with speech or chewing, and throw off your bite balance, not to mention the toll it takes on your self-confidence.

Of course, when you lose a tooth, it’s important to replace it as soon as possible to maintain your bite mechanics. If you delay, you might develop a bite-related problem like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) or the teeth on either side of the gap might become weak and prone to additional damage. Not too long ago, replacing a lost tooth meant getting a denture or a bridge, options that can be helpful in restoring your bite, but which tend to fall pretty far short of restoring your confidence and comfort. Today, dental implants offer a third choice — one that’s become exceptionally popular. At Chester Family Dentist, we rely on the most advanced implant technology to help patients experience the full benefits of their dental implants. If you’re considering dental implants, here are three benefits you should know about.

They're more like natural teeth

Dental implants attach to your jaw bone using strong titanium posts. That means they’re much more secure than dentures that simply rest on top of your gums. You won’t have to worry about slippage or sore spots, and you won’t have to deal with food particles getting caught under your bridge or denture. Plus, since their design is more like natural teeth, implants are also much more comfortable, and they can be cared for just like you care for your natural teeth.

They can replace multiple teeth

When most people think of implants, they think of getting a single implant to replace a single missing tooth. But you can also get multiple implants to replace more than one tooth or to act as anchors for bridges or dentures. You can even use implants to secure a denture to replace an entire “row” of teeth, upper or lower. And even if your teeth have been missing for some time and your jaw bone has become thin, we can graft a small sample of bone tissue to help augment and “bulk up” the area.

They promote bone replenishment for better oral health

Your teeth depend on healthy jaw bone tissue to stay in place. If the jaw bone becomes thin, the tooth roots can weaken and the teeth can wind up falling out. Like the bones in the rest of your body, your jaw bone tissue is continually being replaced. During the bone replacement cycle, old, weak bone tissue is replaced by healthy, new bone tissue. In your jaw, that cycle needs a little stimulation to keep it at its peak. It gets that stimulation from your tooth roots. When your roots are in place, they act to trigger the bone replacement cycle, stimulating your bone to produce that new, healthy tissue that’s necessary to keep your jaw bones healthy and strong.

When you lose a tooth, you lose the root, too, and that means the bone in that area doesn’t replace and replenish itself at the same rate. That’s why, after tooth loss, your jaw can become thin, even if you have a bridge or a denture. Since the teeth on either side of the missing tooth need strong jaw bones to stay put, when the bone thins, their roots can become weak, and eventually, those teeth can be lost as well. But implants are different. The implant post extends into the jaw where it can act like a natural tooth root to stimulate that bone replacement cycle. That means the jaw bone around the implant will stay strong, and so will the neighboring tooth roots.

Ready to learn more?

If you're missing one or more teeth, implants could be a great solution to restore your beautiful, confident smile. To learn more about implants at Chester Family Dentist and whether they're a good choice for you, book an appointment online today.

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